Monday, February 9, 2009

Thing #4 - Read, Read, Read!

Many blogs are casual, sarcastic and funny! Some are serious, but I would say the majority are very similar to a conversation you would have on the phone. I think commenting is important because it extends on ones ideas and generates more thoughts. I know it helps me think of new ideas.

I agreed with the no homework blog whole-heartedly! When I first started teaching I loved grading papers with all my different colored pens, but soon realized it was not so fun! The sad thing is I could already tell you who was going to make an A, B or D before grading a single paper! The author is completely right - your A and B kids are going to do the homework when they don't really need the extra practice and your C and D kids are not going to do the homework when they are the ones who need it! I think the important thing is to find some other way to get those less-motivated kids involved during class, rather than out of class.

I also enjoyed reading the PowerPoint blog. I had my students complete a six weeks project last six weeks and a number of them created Power Points. A few of them did an excellent job, but many of them had slides full of words, little color and no images! BORING! The suggestions this author made were great, and I appreciated the links which lead to images, etc. to use in Power Points.


  1. I am always looking for ways to beef up my power points and make them interesting. You post encourages me to review the powerpoint blog that I missed. Thank you for the in put!

  2. I really liked you idea for your six weeks project. Students like to use technology and hopefully will learn as they use it.
